65816 Assembler Manual

Written by: K. P. Trofatter

# Introduction
The 65816 Assembler is a symbolic assembler for the 16-bit WDC 65816
microprocessor, and thus the whole 65xx family. The assembler has a small but
powerful set of directives that make programming 65816 assembly a practical
matter. The program was written with the Super Nintendo Entertainment System
(SNES) in mind, and has facilities that ease programming for this platform.

# Usage
| 65816a [flags] infile outfile

For now `-r' is the only valid flag. It generates an assembly report.

# Format
The main input of the 65816 Assembler is a formatted source text file
containing a series of statements.

## Statements
Statements are prefixed by the semicolon `;' operator.

`;' may not be used other than to declare statements.

A statement is either a:
	- 65816 assembly instruction
	- Directive
	- Compiler expression
	- Link

Statements are made up of tokens. A token is a continuous string of a
prescribed format. Valid tokens include:
	- Mnemonics
	- Names
	- Numbers
	- Symbols
	- Strings

File formatting is free between tokens with the characters:
	| [ ]  // space
	| [\n] // newline
	| [\r] // carriage return
	| [\t] // tab
	| [\v] // vertical tab
	| [\f] // form feed

## Comments
There are 4 ways to comment:
	.1. Before a `;'
		This is a subtle way to comment, and programmer discretion is
		highly advised. Examples of comments:
			- before the first `;'.
			- after complete statement until next `;'

	.2. After `#Print', the print directive
	.3. After `#_', the comment directive, where _ is whitespace
	.4. Between `#{' and `#}', the block comment directives. Block
	    comments `#{' and `#}' may be nested.

# Tokens
All tokens may not be longer than the value NAME_MAX as defined in the
file 'assembler.h'.

## Mnemonic
| Format: [ASM]

A contiguous 3-character string of `[A-Z]'. All mnemonics defined or not
are reserved words.

A mnemonic as a statement's first token signifies an assembly instruction
to the compiler.

## Name
| Format: [name]

A contiguous string of `[0-9A-Za-z_.]', though `name' may not begin with
a number. Limited in length by NAME_MAX, as defined in assembler.h.

'name' must be prototyped or declared before dereferencing.

## Number
| Format: [base][number][size]

A contiguous string of `[:%$0-9A-Fbwl]' where colons `:' are ignored and
may be used as placeholders, % and $ may only prefix, and b, w, and l may
only suffix.

Decimal is the default number base. To change the base, prefix number with

| [%] for binary
| [$] for hexadecimal

For decimal, the assumed size of the data is minimized based on the
magnitude of the integer.

For binary and hexadecimal, the assumed size of the data is minimized
based on the number of numeric characters in the number token.

To explicitly declare a size, suffix number with `size':

| [b] for byte, 1 byte
| [w] for word, 2 bytes
| [l] for long, 3 bytes

Numbers may not exceed 3 bytes in size, giving a range:

| binary      : %0 - %11111111:11111111:11111111
| decimal     :  0 - 16777215
| hexadecimal : $0 - $FF:FFFF

## Symbol
| Format: [symbol]

Symbols are used to express operations on operands, that is names and
numbers. Symbols look like `[;#{}[\]()=+-*/\,]+'.

## String
| Format: ["][string]["]

- `string' is delimited by a pair of double quote `"' operators.
- `string' may contain any character except `;'.

Escape sequences are provided to include formatting characters in the
string normally. To use an escape sequence, prefix a character by the
backslash `\' operator. Switches include:

| [\\] , backslash
| [\"] , double quote
| [\:] , semicolon

# Statements
## Assembly
| Format: [;][ASM][operand and addressing mode]

The official 65816 assembly language is implemented. The user's familiarity
with the language is assumed. A reference of all mnemonic and addressing
mode combinations can be found in `data.h'. Entries besides `-1' are
valid instructions.

Operands must always be either be a number or name. If the instruction is
either a branch or absolute jump, then a link may also be targeted.

To dereference a name, substitute the name for a number operand. To
dereference a link, substitute the link (including braces) for a number

The 65816 is sensitive to the word mode it is in (8 of 16-bits) ans thus
some assembly statements will act differently depending on the mode in
use. Word mode can be altered by the REP and SEP assembly commands, or
from the CPU assembler directives.

### Addressing Modes
The 22 official 65816 addressing modes are supported.

b, w, and l represent a 1, 2, and 3 byte operand respectively.

| ~        //  0 - Implied
| #        //  1 - Immediate
| A        //  2 - Accumulator
| b        //  3 - Direct
| b,S      //  4 - Stack Relative
| b,X      //  5 - Direct X Indexed
| b,Y      //  6 - Direct Y Indexed
| (b)      //  7 - Direct Indirect
| (b),Y    //  8 - Direct Indirect Y Indexed
| (b,S),Y  //  9 - Stack Relative Indirect Y Indexed
| (b,X)    // 10 - Direct X indexed Indirect
| [b]      // 11 - Direct Indirect Long
| [b],Y    // 12 - Direct Indirect Long Y Indexed
| b,b      // 13 - Block Move
| w        // 14 - Absolute
| w,X      // 15 - Absolute X Indexed
| w,Y      // 16 - Absolute Y Indexed
| (w)      // 17 - Absolute Indirect
| (w,X)    // 18 - Absolute X Indexed Indirect
| [w]      // 19 - Absolute Indirect Long
| l        // 20 - Long
| l,X      // 21 - Long X Indexed

### Instruction Set
The 92 official 65816 mnemonics are supported, including the instructions
`JML' and `JSL'. The alternate mnemonics `BGE' `BLT' `SWA' `TAD' `TAS'
`TDA' `TSA' are also recognized. Thus there are 99 implemented mnemonics.

|          ~  #  A  b                                w                 l
|          0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
|        +------------------------------------------------------------------+
|  [ADC] |    *     *  *  *     *  *  *  *  *  *     *  *  *           *  * |
|  [AND] |    *     *  *  *     *  *  *  *  *  *     *  *  *           *  * |
|  [ASL] |       *  *     *                          *  *                   |
|  [BCC] |          *                                                       |
|  [BCS] |          *                                                       |
|  [BEQ] |          *                                                       |
| *[BGE] |          *                                                       |
|  [BIT] |    *     *     *                          *  *                   |
| *[BLT] |          *                                                       |
|  [BMI] |          *                                                       |
|  [BNE] |          *                                                       |
|  [BPL] |          *                                                       |
|  [BRA] |          *                                                       |
|  [BRK] |          *                                                       |
|  [BRL] |                                           *                      |
|  [BVC] |          *                                                       |
|  [BVS] |          *                                                       |
|  [CLC] | *                                                                |
|  [CLD] | *                                                                |
|  [CLI] | *                                                                |
|  [CLV] | *                                                                |
|  [CMP] |    *     *  *  *     *  *  *  *  *  *     *  *  *           *  * |
|  [COP] |          *                                                       |
|  [CPX] |    *     *                                *                      |
|  [CPY] |    *     *                                *                      |
|  [DEC] |       *  *     *                          *  *                   |
|  [DEX] | *                                                                |
|  [DEY] | *                                                                |
|  [EOR] |    *     *  *  *     *  *  *  *  *  *     *  *  *           *  * |
|  [INC] |       *  *     *                          *  *                   |
|  [INX] | *                                                                |
|  [INY] | *                                                                |
| *[JML] |                                                          *  *    |
|  [JMP] |                                           *        *  *  *  *    |
| *[JSL] |                                                             *    |
|  [JSR] |                                           *           *     *    |
|  [LDA] |    *     *  *  *     *  *  *  *  *  *     *  *  *           *  * |
|  [LDX] |    *     *        *                       *     *                |
|  [LDY] |    *     *     *                          *  *                   |
|  [LSR] |       *  *     *                          *  *                   |
|  [MVN] |                                                                  |
|  [MVP] |                                                                  |
|  [NOP] | *                                                                |
|  [ORA] |    *     *  *  *     *  *  *  *  *  *     *  *  *           *  * |
|  [PEA] |                                           *                      |
|  [PEI] |                      *                                           |
|  [PER] |                                           *                      |
|  [PHA] | *                                                                |
|  [PHB] | *                                                                |
|  [PHD] | *                                                                |
|  [PHK] | *                                                                |
|  [PHP] | *                                                                |
|  [PHX] | *                                                                |
|  [PHY] | *                                                                |
|  [PLA] | *                                                                |
|  [PLB] | *                                                                |
|  [PLD] | *                                                                |
|  [PLP] | *                                                                |
|  [PLX] | *                                                                |
|  [PLY] | *                                                                |
|  [REP] |          *                                                       |
|  [ROL] |       *  *     *                          *  *                   |
|  [ROR] |       *  *     *                          *  *                   |
|  [RTI] | *                                                                |
|  [RTL] | *                                                                |
|  [RTS] | *                                                                |
|  [SBC] |    *     *  *  *     *  *  *  *  *  *     *  *  *           *  * |
|  [SEC] | *                                                                |
|  [SED] | *                                                                |
|  [SEI] | *                                                                |
|  [SEP] |          *                                                       |
|  [STA] |          *  *  *     *  *  *  *  *  *     *  *  *           *  * |
|  [STP] | *                                                                |
|  [STX] |          *        *                          *                   |
|  [STY] |          *     *                             *                   |
|  [STZ] |          *     *                             *  *                |
| *[SWA] | *                                                                |
| *[TAD] | *                                                                |
| *[TAS] | *                                                                |
|  [TAX] | *                                                                |
|  [TAY] | *                                                                |
|  [TCD] | *                                                                |
|  [TCS] | *                                                                |
| *[TDA] | *                                                                |
|  [TDC] | *                                                                |
|  [TRB] |          *                                *                      |
| *[TSA] | *                                                                |
|  [TSB] |          *                                *                      |
|  [TSC] | *                                                                |
|  [TSX] | *                                                                |
|  [TXA] | *                                                                |
|  [TXS] | *                                                                |
|  [TXY] | *                                                                |
|  [TYA] | *                                                                |
|  [TYX] | *                                                                |
|  [WAI] | *                                                                |
|  [WDM] |          *                                                       |
|  [XBA] | *                                                                |
|  [XCE] | *                                                                |
|        +------------------------------------------------------------------+
|          0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
|          ~  #  A  b                                w                 l

### Directive
| Format: [;][#Directive][arguments]

Directives are prefixed with `#'.

A `#' followed by a whitespace comments the statement.

Directives add functionality to the assembler by altering assembly behavior
and improving source file readability. The directives are roughly divided
into the 5 subgroups by function, all of which are listed and detailed below:

#### Comment
| [;][#_][comment]
| [;][#{][comment][;][#}]
| [;][#Print][_][comment]

#### CPU
| [;]#m][;][#M]
| [;]#x][;][#X]
| [;]#y][;][#Y]

#### PC
| [;][#HiROM]
| [;][#LoROM]
| [;][#PC][+][data][,][pad]

#### Flow
| [;][#Halt]

#### Declaration
| [;][#Name][addr][name][,] ...
| [;][#Code][addr][{][name][}][,] ...
| [;][#Data][addr][name][{][data][,] ... [}][,] ...

### Comment
| Format: [;][#_][comment]  // `_' == whitespace or EOF

Comments the following statement. Comment ends at next `;' or EOF.

### Block Comment
| Format: [;][#{][comment][;][#}]

Comments the text between block directives `#{' and `#}'.
	- If a pair imbalance is detected, a warning is issued.
	- If a `#{' imbalance occurs, the file onward is commented.
	- If a `#}' imbalance occurs, the directive is ignored.

### Print
| Format: [;][#Print][_][comment]  // `_' == whitespace

Prints the following statement to stdout. If _a_ whitespace is included
between the directive and comment, it is ignored and not printed.

### CPU
| Format: [;][#m] [;][#M]  // 16-Bit / 8-Bit Accumulator
|         [;][#x] [;][#X]  // 16-Bit / 8-Bit Index
|         [;][#y] [;][#Y]  // 16-Bit / 8-Bit Index (Alternate)

Resets and sets the Processor status flags m and x. Since program execution
is sensitive to these flags, these must be inserted where the mode is
_assumed_. Note that the mode is automatically updated for REP and SEP.

### ROM
| Format: [;][#LoROM]  // LoRom mode ($00:8000-$7D:FFFF)
| Format: [;][#HiROM]  // HiRom mode ($80:8000-$FF:FFFF)

Invokes the SNES memory map and selected ROM mode. These functions make the
output compatible with the SNES Memory map. In this map, the address space
is mirrored from $00:0000-$7F:FFFF to $80:0000-$FF:FFFF with the addresses
$7E:0000-$7F:FFFF actually being mapped to the SNES WRAM (and not being
mirrored to $FE:0000-$FF:FFFF), and with the added constraint that from
banks $00-$3F and $80-$BF contain program data only from $8000-$FFFF. A
memory map is included with this manual.

### PC
| Format: [;][#PC][+][data][,][pad]

#### Permutations:
| [;][#PC]     [addr]          // [addr]  must be 2-3 bytes and valid.
| [;][#PC]     [addr][,][pad]  // [pad]   must be 1-3 bytes.
| [;][#PC][+][offset]          // [offset] may be 1-3 bytes.
| [;][#PC][+][offset][,][pad]  // [pad]   must be 1-3 bytes.

Changes the current program counter by either directly specifying `addr'
or by incrementing it by `offset'. If `pad' is specified, the space between
the current PC and new PC is padded with the data, else zero. The function
takes into account the memory map being used. Note that the PC cannot be
set to a lower value than the current PC.

### Halt
| Format: [;][#Halt]

Halts assembler. Useful for debugging purposes.

### Name
| Format: [;][#Name][addr][name][,] ...

#### Permutations:
| [;][#Name][addr][name][,] ...
| [;][#Name][b]   [name][,] ...
| [;][#Name][w]   [name][,] ...
| [;][#Name][l]   [name][,] ...

The name directive allows for symbolic assembly code. Name associates `name'
with `addr'. A name can also be prototyped by substituting `addr' with
either `b', `w', or `l' representing a 1, 2, or 3 byte value respectively. A
prototyped name must be defined by the end of the file if it is referenced.

Only one of a given name can exist amongst name, code, and data declarations.

A comma can be used to declare many names with one directive.

A name must be defined or prototyped prior to referencing.

The value of name can be modified by appending "_Lo" (for low byte) or
"_Hi" for (high byte) to the end of name when referencing, incrementing
the value by 0 or 1 respectively.

### Code
| Format: [;][#Code][addr][{][name][}][,] ...

#### Permutations:
| [;][#Code][addr]   [name]   [,] ...
| [;][#Code][l]      [name]   [,] ...
| [;][#Code][w]      [name]   [,] ...
| [;][#Code][addr][{][name][}][,] ...
| [;][#Code][w]   [{][name][}][,] ...
| [;][#Code][l]   [{][name][}][,] ...

Similar to `#Name', the code directive associates `name' with `addr'. Code
may be prototyped with either `w' or `l'.

To declare the position of the code, put braces around `name'. If the code
was prototyped with `w' or `l', then the value of `addr' is automatically

### Data
| Format: [;][#Data][addr][name][{][flag][,][data][,] ... [}][,] ...

#### Permutations:
| [;][#Data][addr][name]
| [;][#Data][w]   [name]
| [;][#Data][l]   [name]
| [;][#Data][addr][name][{][data][,][data] ... [}][,] ...
| [;][#Data][w]   [name][{][data][,][data] ... [}][,] ...
| [;][#Data][l]   [name][{][data][,][data] ... [}][,] ...

Similar to `#Name', the data directive associates `name' with `addr'. Data
may be prototyped with either `w' or `l'.

To declare the position of the data, include a formatted data list surrounded
by braces. Data are delimited by `,' or `_' where `_' is whitespace. The
following data are valid:
	- Numbers
	- Names
	- Strings
	- `#Files' where `#' prefixes a file name.

## Link (Labels)
| Format: [;][{][+/-][link][}]      //Declaration
| Format: [;][ASM][{][+/-][link][}] //Targeting

Links serve as a way to name inline program addresses for the purposes of
labeling branch or intrabank jump targets. Only these assembly instructions
may target links.

Prefix `+' or `-' to `link' to associate a direction with a link. When
resolving a link reference, the link closest to the reference in the
respective direction is found.

The link name is unique in that its namespace is augmented to include `+'
and `-' as well.