A Proposed Assembly Language Syntax For 65c816 Assemblers
							by Randall Hyde
	This is a proposed standard for 65c816 assembly language.  The
proposed standard comes in three levels: subset, full, and extended.  The
subset standard is intended for simple (or inexpensive) products,
particularly those aimed at beginning 65c816 assembly language programmers.
The full standard is the focus of this proposal.  An assembler meeting the
full level adopts all of the requirements outlined in this paper.  The
extended level is a mechanism whereby a vendor can claim full compliance
with the standard and point out that there are extensions as well.  An
assembler cannot claim extended level compliance unless it also complies with
the full standard.  An assembler, no matter how many extensions are
incorporated, will have to claim subset level unless the full standard is
supported.  This ensures that programmers who do not use any assembler
extensions can assemble their programs on any assembler meeting the full or
extended compliance levels.  
	In addition to the items required for compliance, this proposal 
suggests several extensions in the interests of compatibility with existing
65c816 assemblers.  These recommendations are not required for full
compliance with the standard, they're included in this proposal as suggestions
to help make conversion of existing programs easier.  The suggestions are
presented in two levels: recommended and optional.  Recommended items should
be present in any decent 65c816 package.  Inclusion of the optional items
is discouraged (since there are other ways to accomplish the same operation
within the confines of the standard) but may be included in the assembler
at the vendor's discretion to help alleviate conversion problems.
			65c816 Instruction Mnemonics 
	All of the following mnemonics are required at the subset, full,
and extended standard levels.
	The following mnemonics handle the basic 65c816 instruction set:
ADC - add with carry
AND - logical AND
BCC - branch if carry clear
BCS - branch if carry set
BEQ - branch if equal
BIT - bit test
BMI - branch if minus
BNE - branch if not equal
BPL - branch if plus
BRA - branch always
BRK - break point instruction
BVC - branch if overflow clear
BVS - branch if overflow set
CLC - clear the carry flag
CLD - clear the decimal flag
CLI - clear the interrupt flag
CLP - clear bits in P
CLR - store a zero into memory
CMP - compare accumulator
CPX - compare x register
CPY - compare y register
CSP - call system procedure
DEC - decrement acc or memory
DEX - decrement x register
DEY - decrement y register
EOR - exclusive-or accumulator
HLT - halt (stop) the clock
INC - increment acc or memory
INX - increment x register
INY - increment y register
JMP - jump to new location
JSR - jump to subroutine
LDA - load accumulator
LDX - load x register
LDY - load y register
MVN - block move (decrement)
MVP - block move (increment)
NOP - no operation
ORA - logical or accumulator
PHA - push accumulator
PHP - push p
PHX - push x register
PHY - push y register
PLA - pop accumulator
PLP - pop p
PLX - pop x register
PLY - pop y register
PSH - push operand
PUL - pop operand
RET - return from subroutine
ROL - rotate left acc/mem
ROR - rotate right acc/mem
RTI - return from interrupt
RTL - return from long subroutine
RTS - return from short subroutine
SBC - subtract with carry
SED - set decimal flag
SEI - set interrupt flag
SEP - set bits in P
SHL - shift left acc/mem
SHR - shift right acc/mem
STA - store accumulator
STX - store x register
STY - store y register
SWA - swap accumulator halves
TAD - transfer acc to D
TAS - transfer acc to S
TAX - transfer acc to x
TAY - transfer acc to y
TCB - test and clear bit
TDA - transfer D to acc
TSA - transfer S to acc
TSB - test and set bit
TSX - transfer S to X
TXA - transfer x to acc
TXS - transfer x to S
TXY - transfer x to y
TYA - transfer y to acc
TYX - transfer y to x
WAI - wait for interrupt
XCE - exchange carry with emulation bit
	CLP replaces REP in the original 65c816 instruction set, since CLP
is a tad more consistent with the original 6502 instruction set.  See 
"recommended options" for the status of REP.  CLR replaces the STZ
instruction.  Since STA, STX, and STY are used to store 65c816 registers,
STZ seems to imply that there is a Z register.  Using CLR (clear) eliminates
any confusion.  CSP (call system procedure) replaces the COP mnemonic.  COP
was little more than a software interrupt in both intent and implementation.
CSP helps make this usage a little clearer.  HLT replaces the STP mnemonic.
STP, like the STZ mnemonic, implies that the P register is being stored
somewhere.  HLT (for halt) is just as obvious as "stop the clock" yet it
doesn't have the same "look and feel" as a store instruction.   JML and JSL
are not really required by the new standard;  but see recommended options
concerning these two instructions.  Most of the new 65c816 push and pull
instructions have been collapsed into two instructions: PSH and PUL.
	PEA label   becomes  PSH #label
	PEI (label) becomes  PSH label
	PER label   becomes  PSH @label
	PHB         becomes  PSH DBR
	PHD         becomes  PSH D
	PHK	    becomes  PSH PBR
	PLB 	    becomes  PUL DBR
	PLD	    becomes  PUL D
These mnemonics are more in line with the original design of the 6502
instruction set whereby the mnemonic specifies the operation and the operand
specifies the addressing mode and address.  The RET instruction gets converted
to RTS or RTL, depending on the type of subroutine being declared.  RTS and 
RTL still exist in order to force a short or long return.  SHL and SHR (shift
left and shift right) are used instead of ASL and LSR.  The 6500 family has
NEVER supported an arithmetic shift left instruction.  The operation performed
by the ASL mnemonic is really a logical shift left. To simplify matters, SHL
and SHR are used to specify shift left and shift right.  SWA (swap accumulator
halves) is used instead of XBA.  Since this is the only instruction that
references the "B" accumulator, there's no valid reason for even treating
the accumulator as two distinct entities (this is just a carry-over from the
6800 MPU).  Likewise, since the eight-bit accumulator cannot be distinguished
from the 16-bit accumulator on an instruction by instruction basis (it depends
on the setting of the M bit in the P register), the accumulator should always
be referred to as A, regardless of whether the CPU is in the eight or sixteen
bit mode.  Therefore, instructions like TCD, TCS, TDC, and TSC should be
replaced by TAD, TAS, TDA, and TSA.  For more info on these new mnemonics,
see the section on "recommended options".
			Built-in Macros
	The following instructions actually generate one or more instructions.
They are not required at the subset level, but are required at the full and
extended levels.
ADD - emits CLC then ADC
BFL - emits BEQ (branch if false)
BGE - emits BCS
BLT - emits BCC
BTR - emits BNE (branch if true)
BSR - emits PER *+2 then BRA (short) or PER *+3 then BRL (long)
SUB - emits SEC then SBC
			Recommended Options
	The following mnemonics are aliases of existing instructions.  The
(proposed) standard recommends that the assembler support these mnemonics,
mainly to provide compatibility with older source code, but does not
recommend their use in new programs.  Some (or all) of these items may be
removed from the recommended list in future revisions of the standard.  None
of these recommended items need be present at the subset level.  If these
are the only extensions over and above the full syntax, the assembler
CANNOT claim to be an extended level assembler.
		Symbols, Constants, and Other Items
	Symbols may contain any reasonable number of characters at the full
level.  At the subset compliance level, at least 16 characters should be
supported and 32 is recommeded.  A "reasonable" number of characters should
be at least 64 if the implementor needs a maximum value.
	Symbols must begin with an alphabetic character and may contain
(only) the following symbols:  A-Z, a-z, 0-9, "_", "$", and "!".  The
assembler must be capable of treating upper and lower case alphabetic
characters identically.  Note that this does not disallow an assembler from
allowing the programmer to choose that upper and lower case be distinct, it
simply requires that in the default case, upper and lower case characters
are treated identically.  Note that the standard does not require case
sensitivity in the assembler (and, in fact, recommends against it).
Therefore, anyone foolish enough (for many, many reasons) to create variables
that differ only in the case of the letters they contain is risking port-
ability problems (as well as maintenence, readability, and other problems).
	The following symbols are reserved and may not be redefined within
the program:
		A, X, Y, S, DBR, PBR, D, M, P
Nor may these symbol appear as fields to a record or type definition (which
will be described later).
	Constants take six different forms: character constants, string
constants, binary constants, decimal constants, hexadecimal constants and
set constants.
	Character constants are created by surrounding a single character by 
a pair of apostrophes or quotation marks, e.g., "s", "a", '$', and 'p'.  If 
the character is surrounded by apostrophes, then the ASCII code for that 
character WITH THE H.O. BIT CLEAR will be used.  If the quotation marks are 
used, then the ASCII code for the character WITH THE H.O. BIT SET will be 
used.  If you need to represent the apostrophe with the H.O. bit clear or a
quotation mark with the H.O. bit set, simply double up the characters, e.g.,
		''''	- emits a single apostrophe.
		""""	- emits a single quotation mark.
	String constants are generated by placing a sequence of two or more
characters within a pair of apostrophes or quotation marks.  The choice of
apostrophe or quotation mark controls the H.O. bit, as for character
constants.  Likewise, to place an apostrophe or quote within a string
delimited by the same character, just double up the apostrophe or quotation
	'This isn''t bad!'  - generates  --This isn't bad--
	"He said ""Hello""" - generates  --He said "Hello"--
	Binary integer constants consist of a sequence of 1 through 32 zeros
or ones preceded by a percent sign ("%").  Examples:
	Decimal integer constants consist of strings of decimal digits without
any preceding characters.  E.g.,  25,  235,  8325, etc.  Decimal constants
may be (optionally) preceded by a minus sign.
	Hexadecimal constants consist of a dollar sign ("$") followed by
a string of hexadecimal digits (0..9 and A..F).  Values in the range $0 
through $FFFFFFFF are allowed.
	Set constants are only required at the full and  extended compliance
levels.  A set constant consists of a list of items surrounded by braces,
e.g., {0,3,5}.  For more information, see the .SET directive.
			Address Expressions
	Most instructions and many pseudo-opcode/assembler directives require
operands of some sort.  Often these operands contain some sort of address
expression (some, ultimately, numeric or string value).  This proposed 
standard defines the operands, precision, accuracy, and available operations 
that constitutes an address expression.
Precision: all integer expressions are computed using 32 bits.  All string
expressions are computed with strings up to 255 characters in length.  All
floating point operations are performed using IEEE 80-bit extended floating
point values (i.e., Apple SANE routines).  All set operations are performed
using 32 bits of precision.
Accuracy: all integer operations (consisting of two 32-bit operands and an
operator on those operands) must produce the correct result if the actual
result can fit within 32 bits.  If an overflow occurs, the value is truncated
and only the low order 32 bits are retained.  If an underflow occurs, zero
is used as the result.  If an overflow or underflow occurs, a special bit will
be set (until the next value is computed) that can be tested by the ".IFOVR"
and ".IFUNDR" directives.  Other than that, such errors are ignored.  All
arithmetic is performed using unsigned arithmetic operations. All
floating point operations follow the IEEE (and Apple SANE) suggestions, and
are otherwise ignored by the assembler.  Any string operation producing a
string longer than 255 characters produces an assembly time error.  All set
operations must be exact.
Integer operations: The following integer operations must be provided at all
compliance levels:
+ (binary) adds the two operands.
- (binary) subracts second operand from the first.
* multiplies the two operands.
/ divides the first operand by the second.
\ divides the first operand by the second and returns the remainder.
& logically ANDs the two operands.
| logically ORs the two operands.
^ logically XORs the two operands.
<> These operators compare the two operands (unsigned comparison) and
<  return 1 if the comparison is true, 0 otherwise.
- (unary) negates (2's complement) the operand
~ (unary) complements (inverts - 1's complement) the operand
The following operators must be provided at the full and extended compliance
<- shifts the first operand to the left the number of bits specified by the
   second operand.
-> shifts the first operand to the right the number of bits specified by the
   second operand.
@ (unary) subtracts the location counter at the beginning of the current
          statement from the following address expression.
% (ternary, e.g.: X%Y:Z)  This operator extracts bits Y through Z from X and
  returns that result right justified.
Floating point operations: floating point numbers and operations are required
only at the full and extended levels.  The following operations must be
available as well:
+ adds the two operands.
- subtracts the second operand from the first.
* multiplies the two operands.
/ divides the first operand by the second.
- (unary) negates the operand.
<> These operators compare the two operands and
<  return 1 if the comparison is true, 0 otherwise.
String operations: strings and string operations are not required at the
subset level, but the standard recommends their presence.  The following
string operations must be provided at the full and extended levels:
+ concatenates two strings
% (ternary, e.g., X%Y:Z) returns the substring composed of the characters in
  X starting at position Y of length Z.  Generate an error if X doesn't
  contain sufficient characters.
<> These operators compare the two operands and
<  return 1 if the comparison is true, 0 otherwise.
Set operations: sets and set operations are required only at the full and
extended levels.  The following set operations must be provided:
+  union of two sets  (logical OR of the bits).
*  intersection of two sets (logical AND of the bits).
-  set difference (set one ANDed with the NOT of the second set)
=  returns 1 if the two sets are equal, zero otherwise.
<> returns 1 if the two sets are not equal, zero otherwise.
<  returns 1 if the first set is a proper subset of the second.
<= returns 1 if the first set is a subset of the second.
>  returns 1 if the first set is a proper superset of the second.
>= returns 1 if the first set is a superset of the second.
% (ternary, e.g., X % Y:Z) extracts elements Y..Z from X and returns those
In addition to the above operators,  several pre-defined functions are also
available.  Note that these functions are not required at the subset
compliance level, only at the full and extended levels:
float(i) - Converts integer "i" to a floating point value.
trunc(r) - Converts real "r" to a 32-bit unsigned integer (or generates an 
valid(r) - returns "1" if r is a valid floating point value, 0 otherwise
           (for example, if r is NaN, infinity, etc.)
length(s)- returns the length of string s.
lookup(s)- returns "1" if s is a valid symbol in the symbol table.
value(s) - returns value of symbol specified by string "s" in the symbol
type(s)  - returns type of symbol "s" in symbol table.  Actual values
           returned are yet to be defined.
mode(a)  - returns the addressing mode of item "a".  Used mainly in macros.
STR(s)   - returns string s with a prefixed length byte.
ZRO(s)   - returns string s with a suffixed zero byte.
DCI(s)   - returns string s with the H.O. bit of its last char inverted.
RVS(s)   - returns string s with its characters reversed.
FLP(s)   - returns string s with its H.O. bits inverted.
IN(v,s)  - returns one if value v is in set s, zero otherwise.
The following integer functions must be present at all compliance levels:
BYTE(i)  - returns the L.O. byte of i.
HBYTE(i) - returns byte #1 (bits 8-15) of i.
BBYTE(i) - returns bank byte (bits 16-23) of i.
XBYTE(i) - returns H.O. byte of i.
WORD(i)  - returns L.O. word of i.
HWORD(i) - returns H.O. word of i.
Pack(i,j)- returns a 16-bit value whose L.O. byte is the L.O. byte of i and
	   whose H.O. byte is the L.O. byte of j.
Pack(i,j,k,l)- returns a 32-bit value consisting of (i,j,k,l) where i is the
	       L.O. byte and l is the H.O. byte.  Note: l is optional.  If
	       it isn't present, substitute zero for l.
	The order of evaluation for an expression is strictly left to right
unless parentheses are used to modify the precedence of a sub-expression.
Since parentheses are used to specify certain indirect addressing modes, the
use of paretheses to override the strict left-to-right evaluation order
introduces some ambiguity.  For example, should the following be treated
as jump indirect through location $1001 or jump directly to location $1001?
		JMP ($1000+1)
The ambiguity is resolved as follows: if the parenthesis is the first char-
acter in the operand field, then the indirect addressing mode is assumed.
Otherwise, the parentheses are used to override the left-to-right precedence.
The example above would be treated as a jump indirect through location $1001.
If you wanted to jump directly to location $1001 in this fashion, the state-
ment could be modified to
		JMP 0+($1000+1)
so that the parenthesis is no longer the first character in the operand
	The use of parentheses to override the left-to-right precedence is
only required at the full and extended compliance levels.  It is not
required at the subset compliance level.
				Expression Types
	Expressions, in addition to having a value associated with
them, also have a specific type.  The three basic types of expressions are
integer, floating point, and string expressions.  Integer expressions can
be broken down into subtypes as well.  A hierarchical diagram is the easiest
way to describe integer expressions:
integers ------ constants ------------ user defined (enumerated) types
	    |			|
	    |			+----- simple numeric constants
	    +-- addresses ------------ direct page addresses
				+----- absolute addresses --- full 16-bit
				|                          |
				|			   +- relative 8-bit
				+----- long addresses
	This diagram points out that there are two types of integer expres-
sions: constants and addresses.  Further, there are two types of constants
and four types of addresses.  Before discussion operations on these different
types of integer values, their purpose should be presented.
	Until now, most 65xxx assembler did little to differentiate between
the different types of integer values.  In this proposed standard, however,
strong type checking is enforced.  Whereas in previous assemblers you could
use the following code:
	label	equ	$1000
		lda	#Label
		sta	Label
such operations are illegal within the confines of the new standard.  The
problem with this short code segment is that the symbol "label" is used as
both an integer constant (in the LDA instruction) and as an address 
expression (in the STA instruction).  To help prevent logical errors from
creeping into a program, the assembler doesn't allow the use of addresses
where constants are expected and vice versa.  To that end, a new assembler
directive, CON, is used to declare constants while EQU is used to declare
an (absolute) address.  Symbols declared by CON cannot be (directly) used
as an address.  Likewise, symbols declared by EQU (and others) cannot be
used where a constant is expected (such as in an immediate operand).
	Although this type checking can be quite useful for locating bugs
within the source file, it can also be a source of major annoyance.  Some-
times (quite often, in fact) you may want to treat an address expression
as a constant or a constant expression as an address.  Two functions are
used to coerce these expressions to their desired form: PTR and OFS.
PTR(expr) converts the supplied constant expression to an address expression.
OFS(expr) converts the supplied address expression to a constant expression.
The following is perfectly legal:
	Cons1	CON	$5A
	DataLoc	EQU	$1000
		lda	#OFS(DataLoc)
		sta	PTR(Cons1)
For more information, see the section on assembler directives.  PTR and OFS
are required at all compliance levels of this proposed standard.
	While any constant value may be used anywhere a constant is allowed,
the 65c816 microprocessor must often differentiate between the various types
of address expressions.  This is particularly true when emitting code since
the length of an instruction depends on the particular address expression.
If an expression contains only constants, direct page values, absolute
values, or long values,  there isn't much of a problem.  The assembler uses
the specified type as the addressing mode.  If the expression contains mixed
types, the resulting type is as follows:
Expression contains:				Result is:
	|	     |
	|	     |
	+------------+-- Constants		-	Constant
	| 	     |
	+-- Direct   |				-       Direct
		     +--+  Absolute		-	Absolute
		     +--+- Long			-	Long
Allowable forms:
	direct		constant+direct
	absolute	constant+absolute
	long		constant+long		
This says that if you expression contains only constants, then the
result is a constant.  If it contains a mixture of constants and direct
page addresses, the result is a direct page address.  Note that direct page
addresses cannot be mixed with other types of addresses.  An error must be
reported in this situation (although you could get around it with an
expression of the form "abs+OFS(direct)").  Likewise, adding a constant to
an absolute address produces an absolute address.  Adding an absolute and
a long address produces a long address, etc.
	Sometimes, you need to force an expression to be a certain type.
For example, the instruction "LDA $200" normally assembles to a load
absolute from location $200 in the current data bank.  If you need to force
this to location $200 in bank zero, regardless of the content of the DBR,
the address expression must be coerced to a long address.  Coercion of this
type is accomplished with the ":D", ":A", ":L", and ":S" expression suffixes.
To force "LDA $200" to be assembled using the long address mode, the in-
struction is modified to be "LDA $200:L".  The coercion suffix must always
follow the full address expression.  The ":S" (for short branches) suffix
is never required, since a short branch (for BRA and BSR) is always assumed,
but it is included for completeness.  For BRA and BSR, the ":L" suffix is
used to imply a long branch (+/- 32K) rather than the long addressing mode.
	Caveats: If ":D" or ":A" is used to coerce a large address expression
to direct or absolute, the high order byte(s) of the expression are truncated
and ignored.  The assembler must assume that when a programmer uses these
constructs he knows exactly what he's doing.  Therefore, "LDA $1001:D" will
happily assemble this instruction into a "LDA $01" instruction despite the
actual value of the address expression.
Addressing Mode Specification
	65c816 addressing modes are specified by certain symbols in the op-
erand field.  A quick rundown follows:
	Addressing mode		Format(s)		Example(s)
	---------------		------------------	----------------------
	Immediate		#		LDA #0
				=		CMP =LastValue
	Direct Page				LDA DPG
				:D		LDA ANY:D
	Absolute				LDA ABS
				:A		LDA ANY:A
	Long					LDA LONG
				:L		LDA ANY:L
	Accumulator		{no operand}		ASL
	Implied			{no operand}		CLC
	Direct, Indirect,
	Indexed	by Y		(),Y	LDA (DPG),Y
				().Y	LDA (ANY:D).Y
	Direct, Indirect,
	Indexed by Y, Long	[],Y	LDA [DPG],Y
				[].Y	LDA [DPG].Y
	Direct, Indexed by X,
	Indirect		(,X)	LDA (DPG,X)
				(.X)	LDA (ANY:D.X)
	Direct, Indexed by X	,X		LDA DPG,X
				.X		LDA DPG.X
	Direct, Indexed by Y	,Y		LDX DPG,Y
				.Y		LDX DPG.Y
	Absolute, Indexed by X	,X		LDA ABS,X
				.X		LDA ANY:A.X
	Long, Indexed by X	,X		LDA ANY:L,X
				.X		LDA LONG.X
	Absolute, Indexed by Y	,Y		LDA ANY:A,Y
				.Y		LDA ABS.Y
	Program Counter
	Relative (branches)			BRA ABS
				@		BRA @ABS
	PC Relative (PSH)	@		PSH @ABS
	Absolute, Indirect	()		JMP (ABS)
	Absolute, Indexed,
	Indirect		(,X)		JMP (ABS,X)
				(.X)		JMP (ABS.X)
	Direct, Indirect	()		LDA (DPG)
							STA (ANY:D)
	Stack Relative		,S		LDA 2,S
				.S		LDA 2.S
	Stack Relative,
	Indirect, Indexed	(,S),Y		LDA (2,S),Y
	, DPG-	Any direct page expression or symbol.
	, ABS-	Any absolute expression or symbol.
	, Long-	Any long expression or symbol.
	expr8-			Any expression evaluating to a value less than
Note: the only real difference between the existing standard and the proposed 
standard is that the period (".") can be used to form an indexed address ex-
pression.  This is compatible (in practice, as well as philosophy) with the 
record structure mechanism supported by this proposed standard.  This syntax 
for the various addressing modes is required at all compliance levels.
	Suggestion: ():L,  ():L,Y, and (],  [],Y, and 
[		.EQU	<16-bit value>