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SNES Documentation v2.30: Written by Yoshi
        Well, seems like you're interested in the SNES programming world.
        First off, learn 65c816 assembly. This document will probably be
        WAY over your head if you don't even understand basic opcodes. I
        don't plan on adding a "how.to.code.in.65c816" section to this
        document, *EVER*. Learn it yourself. I can help you with it, but
        you need to learn the basics yourself. It's worth it in the long-
        run, trust me.
        This document currently covers more than ANY other document i've
        ever seen: No, i'm not bragging. I'm stating a fact. I'm proud to be
        the one to release this information, too. I feel everyone has the
        right to know about all of this, especially if they're interested in
        getting a career in the SNES-world.
        If you have any information to send me, such as typo comments, or
        information which is "wrong" or *NEW* information, do so! I'm always
        updating this thing: the more the better. It's looking great so
        far, and I plan on keeping the rate-of-progress steady.
        For more information about moi, read on! :-)
        I'm 17 years old; brown hair, blue/grey eyes. 5 foot 10 inches
        tall (175cm), 145 pounds (62.25kg). I am currently in my 5th
        year of high school (I failed my senior year), attending Corvallis
        High School in Corvallis, Oregon.
        I'm currently without a job, but i'd love to do development work
        in a CS-related job, ESPECIALLY SNES-related. I'm available! :-)
        In my spare time, I enjoy writing stories (books, if you must know.
        I love writing, so...), SNES documentation (ha ha ha), programming
        (in just about anything and everything), biking, sleeping, sketch-
        ing, and IRCing. You can *ALWAYS* find me on IRC at just about ANY
        time of the day. Leave me a /MSG -info note (which is sent to me
        via EMail, FYI), and i'll get it when I log in to check my mail.

        As of January 24th, 1995, I will be 18 years old. I'm not employed
        (vs. unemployed, where you've actually HAD a job). Dunno what'll
        happen to me. Maybe i'll die. Who knows. I hope to move in with
        a good friend of mine, but i'm too chicken to ask. I'd rather be
        out on the street w/out foot than be told "No you can't" - it's a
        huge flaw in my philosophy... Sorry.

        You can reach via the following ways:
                  InterNET: yoshi@CSOS.ORST.EDU (fast, and is preferred)
                       IRC: Yoshi
                     Phone: 1+ 503-753-2431
                 SnailMail: Jeremy Chadwick
                            33811 Twin Maple Lane
                            Corvallis, OR  97333

                                    December 28th, 1994
                                                                - Yoshi
|rwd2?|Address|Title & Explanation                                           |
||||||                                                                       |
||||||__  ?: Don't know what the statistics on this register are             |
|||||____ 2: 2 byte (1 word) length register                                 |
||||_____ d: Double-byte write required when writing to this register        |
|||______ w: Writable register                                               |
||_______ r: Readable register                                               |
|                                                                            |
|Words in brackets ( [] ) are the official "names" of the registers          |
|Words in braces ( {} ) are different from the "real" SNES manual            |
|Bits define 1 as "ON/ENABLE" and 0 as "OFF/DISABLE," unless otherwise stated|
|Registers without any bits/defined-data can be assumed to be 8 bits in size |
|and should only be read once.                                               |
|NOTE! I have renamed all occurances of "Plane {x}" to "BG{x+1}." This means |
|stuff like "Plane 2" is now referred to as "BG3" - This is how it is done   |
|(so i'm told) in the official SNES documentation, so for compatibility and  |
|comprehension, i've renamed everything.                                     |
|                                                                            |
|I have also renamed "Sprites" to "OBJ", "objects," or "OAM" for the same    |
|reason that I renamed "Plane" to "BG."                                      |
|rwd2?|Address|Title & Explanation                                           |
| w   |$2100  |Screen display register [INIDISP]                             |
|     |       |x000bbbb              x: 0 = Screen on.                       |
|     |       |                         1 = Screen off.                      |
|     |       |                   bbbb: Brightness ($0-$F).                  |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$2101  |OAM size register [OBSEL]                                     |
|     |       |sssnnbbb              s: 000 =  8x8  or 16x16.                |
|     |       |                         001 =  8x8  or 32x32.                |
|     |       |                         010 =  8x8  or 64x64.                |
|     |       |                         011 = 16x16 or 32x32.                |
|     |       |                         100 = 16x16 or 64x64.                |
|     |       |                         101 = 32x32 or 64x64.                |
|     |       |                      n: Name selection (upper 4k word addr). |
|     |       |                      b: Base selection (8k word seg. addr).  |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w 2 |$2102  |OAM address register [OAMADDL/OAMADDH]                        |
|     |       |aaaaaaaa r000000m     a: OAM address.                         |
|     |       |                      r: OAM priority rotation.               |
|     |       |                      m: OAM address MSB.                     |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| wd  |$2104  |OAM data register [OAMDATA]                                   |
|     |       |???????? ????????                                             |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$2105  |Screen mode register [BGMODE]                                 |
|     |       |abcdefff              a: BG4 tile size (0=8x8, 1=16x16).      |
|     |       |                      b: BG3 tile size (0=8x8, 1=16x16).      |
|     |       |                      c: BG2 tile size (0=8x8, 1=16x16).      |
|     |       |                      d: BG1 tile size (0=8x8, 1=16x16).      |
|     |       |                      e: Highest priority for BG3 in MODE 1.  |
|     |       |                      f: MODE definition.                     |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$2106  |Screen pixelation register [MOSAIC]                           |
|     |       |xxxxabcd              x: Pixel size (0=Smallest, $F=Largest). |
|     |       |                      a: Affect BG4.                          |
|     |       |                      b: Affect BG3.                          |
|     |       |                      c: Affect BG2.                          |
|     |       |                      d: Affect BG1.                          |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$2107  |BG1 VRAM location register [BG1SC]                            |
|     |       |xxxxxxab              x: Base address                         |
|     |       |                     ab: SC size                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$2108  |BG2 VRAM location register [BG2SC] -|                         |
| w   |$2109  |BG3 VRAM location register [BG3SC]  |- Same as $2107.         |
| w   |$210A  |BG4 VRAM location register [BG4SC] -|                         |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$210B  |BG1 & BG2 VRAM location register [BG12NBA]                    |
|     |       |aaaabbbb              a: Base address for BG2.                |
|     |       |                      b: Base address for BG1.                |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$210C  |BG3 & BG4 VRAM location register [BG34NBA]                    |
|     |       |aaaabbbb              a: Base address for BG4.                |
|     |       |                      b: Base address for BG3.                |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| wd  |$210D  |BG1 horizontal scroll register [BG1HOFS]                      |
|     |       |mmmmmaaa aaaaaaaa              a: Horizontal offset.          |
|     |       |                               m: Only set with MODE 7.       |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |This is an intruiging register. Like the types define, it has |
|     |       |to be written to twice: The first byte holds the first 8 bits,|
|     |       |and the second byte holds the last 3 bits. This makes a total |
|     |       |of 11 bits for information. This only proves true for MODes   |
|     |       |0 to 6. MODE 7 uses 13 bits instead of 11. As long as you're  |
|     |       |not in MODE 7, you can store $00 in the 2nd byte for a smooth |
|     |       |scrolling background.                                         |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| wd  |$210E  |BG1 vertical scroll register   [BG1VOFS] -|                   |
| wd  |$210F  |BG2 horizontal scroll register [BG2HOFS]  |                   |
| wd  |$2110  |BG3 vertical scroll register   [BG2VOFS]  |                   |
| wd  |$2111  |BG3 horizontal scroll register [BG3HOFS]  |- Same as $210D.   |
| wd  |$2112  |BG3 vertical scroll register   [BG3VOFS]  |                   |
| wd  |$2113  |BG4 horizontal scroll register [BG4HOFS]  |                   |
| wd  |$2114  |BG4 vertical scroll register   [BG4VOFS] -|                   |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$2115  |Video port control [VMAIN]                                    |
|     |       |i000abcd              i: 0 = Addr-inc after writing to $2118  |
|     |       |                             or reading from $2139.           |
|     |       |                         1 = Addr-inc after writing to $2119  |
|     |       |                             or reading from $213A.           |
|     |       |                     ab: Full graphic (see table below).      |
|     |       |                     cd: SC increment (see table below).      |
|     |       |abcd|Result                                                   |
|     |       |----|---------------------------------------------------------|
|     |       |0100|Increment by 8 for 32 times (2-bit formation).           |
|     |       |1000|Increment by 8 for 64 times (4-bit formation).           |
|     |       |1100|Increment by 8 for 128 times (8-bit formation).          |
|     |       |0000|Address increments 1x1.                                  |
|     |       |0001|Address increments 32x32.                                |
|     |       |0010|Address increments 64x64.                                |
|     |       |0011|Address increments 128x128.                              |
|     |       |----|---------------------------------------------------------|
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w 2 |$2116  |Video port address [VMADDL/VMADDH]                            |
|     |       |???????? ????????                                             |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w 2 |$2118  |Video port data [VMDATAL/VMDATAH]                             |
|     |       |???????? ????????                                             |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |According to bit 7 of $2115, the data can be stored as:       |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |Bit 7|Register                   |Result                      |
|     |       |-----|---------------------------|----------------------------|
|     |       |  0  |Write to $2118 only.       |Lower 8-bits written then   |
|     |       |     |                           |address is increased.       |
|     |       |  0  |Write to $2119 then $2118. |Address increased when both |
|     |       |     |                           |are written to (in order).  |
|     |       |  1  |Write to $2119 only.       |Upper 8-bits written, then  |
|     |       |     |                           |address is increased.       |
|     |       |  1  |Write to $2118 then $2119. |Address increased when both |
|     |       |     |                           |are written to (in order).  |
|     |       |-----|---------------------------|----------------------------|
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$211A  |MODE7 settings register [M7SEL]                               |
|     |       |ab0000yx             ab: (see table below).                   |
|     |       |                      y: Vertical screen flip (1=flip).       |
|     |       |                      x: Horizontal screen flip (1=flip).     |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |ab|Result                                                     |
|     |       |--|-----------------------------------------------------------|
|     |       |00|Screen repetition if outside of screen area.               |
|     |       |10|Character 0x00 repetition if outside of screen area.       |
|     |       |11|Outside of screen area is back-drop screen in 1 colour.    |
|     |       |--|-----------------------------------------------------------|
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$211B  |COS (COSINE) rotate angle / X Expansion [M7A]                 |
| w   |$211C  |SIN (SIN)    rotate angle / X Expansion [M7B]                 |
| w   |$211D  |SIN (SIN)    rotate angle / Y Expansion [M7C]                 |
| w   |$211E  |COS (COSINE) rotate angle / Y Expansion [M7D]                 |
| wd  |$211F  |Center position X (13-bit data only)    [M7X]                 |
| wd  |$2120  |Center position Y (13-bit data only)    [M7Y]                 |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |MODE 7 formulae for rotation/enlargement/reduction:           |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |X2 = AB * X1-X0 + X0                                          |
|     |       |Y2 = CD * Y1-Y0 + Y0                                          |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |A = COS(GAMMA)*(1/ALPHA)      B = SIN(GAMMA)*(1/ALPHA)        |
|     |       |C = SIN(GAMMA)*(1/BETA)       D = COS(GAMMA)*(1/BETA)         |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |  GAMMA: Rotation angle.                                      |
|     |       |  ALPHA: Reduction rates for X (horizontal).                  |
|     |       |   BETA: Reduction rates for Y (vertical).                    |
|     |       |X0 & Y0: Center coordinate.                                   |
|     |       |X1 & Y1: Display coordinate.                                  |
|     |       |X2 & Y2: Coordinate before calculation.                       |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$2121  |Colour # (or pallete) selection register [CGADD]              |
|     |       |xxxxxxxx              x: Address (color #).                   |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| wd  |$2122  |Colour data register [CGDATA]                                 |
|     |       |xxxxxxxx              x: Value of colour.                     |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |SNES colour is 15 bit; 5 bits for red, green, and blue. The   |
|     |       |order isn't RGB though: It's BGR (RGB reversed!).             |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$2123  |Window mask settings register [W12SEL]                        |
|     |       |abcdefgh              a: Disable/enable BG2 Window 2.         |
|     |       |                      b: BG2 Window 2 I/O (0=IN).             |
|     |       |                      c: Disable/enable BG2 Window 1.         |
|     |       |                      d: BG2 Window 1 I/O (0=IN).             |
|     |       |                      e: Disable/enable BG1 Window 2.         |
|     |       |                      f: BG1 Window 2 I/O (0=IN).             |
|     |       |                      g: Disable/enable BG1 Window 1.         |
|     |       |                      h: BG1 Window 1 I/O (0=IN).             |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$2124  |Window mask settings register [W34SEL]                        |
|     |       |abcdefgh              a: Disable/enable BG4 Window 2.         |
|     |       |                      b: BG4 Window 2 I/O (0=IN).             |
|     |       |                      c: Disable/enable BG4 Window 1.         |
|     |       |                      d: BG4 Window 1 I/O (0=IN).             |
|     |       |                      e: Disable/enable BG3 Window 2.         |
|     |       |                      f: BG3 Window 2 I/O (0=IN).             |
|     |       |                      g: Disable/enable BG3 Window 1.         |
|     |       |                      h: BG3 Window 1 I/O (0=IN).             |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$2125  |Window mask settings register [WOBJSEL]                       |
|     |       |abcdefgh              a: Disable/enable colour Window 2.      |
|     |       |                      b: Colour Window 2 I/O (0=IN).          |
|     |       |                      c: Disable/enable colour Window 1.      |
|     |       |                      d: Colour Window 1 I/O (0=IN).          |
|     |       |                      e: Disable/enable OBJ Window 2.         |
|     |       |                      f: OBJ Window 2 I/O (0=IN).             |
|     |       |                      g: Disable/enable OBJ Window 1.         |
|     |       |                      h: OBJ Window 1 I/O (0=IN).             |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$2126  |Window 1 left position register [WH0]                         |
|     |       |aaaaaaaa              a: Position.                            |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$2127  |Window 1 right position register [WH1] -|                     |
| w   |$2128  |Window 2 left position register [WH2]   |- Same as $2126.     |
| w   |$2129  |Window 2 right position register [WH3] -|                     |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |I may have the Window numbers reversed; as in, $2126 may be   |
|     |       |for Window 2, not Window 1; $2127 may be for Window 2, not    |
|     |       |Window 1... and so on...                                      |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$212A  |Mask logic settings for Window 1 & 2 per screen [WBGLOG]      |
|     |       |aabbccdd              a: BG4 parms -|                         |
|     |       |                      b: BG3 parms  |- See table in $212B.    |
|     |       |                      c: BG2 parms  |                         |
|     |       |                      d: BG1 parms -|                         |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$212B  |Mask logic settings for Colour Windows & OBJ Windows [WOBJLOG]|
|     |       |0000aabb              a: Colour Window parms (see table below)|
|     |       |                      b: OBJ Window parms (see table below).  |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |Hi-bit|Lo-bit|Logic                                           |
|     |       |------|------|------------------------------------------------|
|     |       |   0  |   0  |OR                                              |
|     |       |   0  |   1  |AND                                             |
|     |       |   1  |   0  |XOR                                             |
|     |       |   1  |   1  |XNOR                                            |
|     |       |------|------|------------------------------------------------|
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$212C  |Main screen designation [TM]                                  |
|     |       |000abcde              a: OBJ/OAM disable/enable.              |
|     |       |                      b: Disable/enable BG4.                  |
|     |       |                      c: Disable/enable BG3.                  |
|     |       |                      d: Disable/enable BG2.                  |
|     |       |                      e: Disable/enable BG1.                  |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$212D  |Sub-screen designation [TD]                                   |
|     |       |*** Same as $212C, but for the sub-screens, not the main.     |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |Remember: When screen addition/subtraction is enabled, the    |
|     |       |sub screen is added/subtracted against the main screen.       |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$212E  |Window mask main screen designation register [TMW]            |
|     |       |*** Same as $212C, but for window-masks.                      |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$212F  |Window mask sub screen designation register [TSW]             |
|     |       |*** Same as $212E, but for the sub screen.                    |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$2130  |Fixed color addition or screen addition register [CGWSEL]     |
|     |       |abcd00ef             ab: Main (see table below).              |
|     |       |                     cd: Sub (see table below).               |
|     |       |                      e: 0 = Enable +/- for fixed colour.     |
|     |       |                         1 = Enable +/- for sub screen.       |
|     |       |                      f: Colour & char-data = direct color    |
|     |       |                         data (MODE 3, 4 & 7 only).           |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |ab|Result                                                     |
|     |       |--|-----------------------------------------------------------|
|     |       |00|All the time.                                              |
|     |       |01|Inside window only.                                        |
|     |       |10|Outside window only.                                       |
|     |       |11|All the time.                                              |
|     |       |--|-----------------------------------------------------------|
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$2131  |Addition/subtraction for screens, BGs, & OBJs [CGADSUB]       |
|     |       |mrgsabcd              m: 0 = Enable + colour-data mode.       |
|     |       |                         1 = Enable - colour-data mode.       |
|     |       |                      r: See below for more info.             |
|     |       |                      g: Affect back-area.                    |
|     |       |                      s: Affect OBJs.                         |
|     |       |                      a: Affect BG4.                          |
|     |       |                      b: Affect BG3.                          |
|     |       |                      c: Affect BG2.                          |
|     |       |                      d: Affect BG1.                          |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |*** 'r' is some sort-of "1/2 of colour data" on/off bit. When |
|     |       |    the colour constant +/- or screen +/- is performed, desig-|
|     |       |    nate whether the RGB result in the +/- area should be 1/2 |
|     |       |    or not; the back-area is not affected.                    |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$2132  |Fixed colour data for fixed colour +/- [COLDATA]              |
|     |       |bgrdddddd             b: Set to change blue.                  |
|     |       |                      g: Set to change green.                 |
|     |       |                      r: Set to change red.                   |
|     |       |                      d: Set colour constant data for +/-.    |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$2133  |Screen mode/video select register [SETINI]                    |
|     |       |sn00pvshi                                                     |
|     |       |                      s: Super-impose SFX graphics over ex-   |
|     |       |                         ternal video (usually 0).            |
|     |       |                      n: External mode (screen expand). When  |
|     |       |                         sing MODE 7, enable.                 |
|     |       |                      p: 0 = 256 resolution.                  |
|     |       |                         1 = 512 sub screen resolution.       |
|     |       |                      v: 0 = 224 vertical resolution.         |
|     |       |                         1 = 239 vertical resolution.         |
|     |       |                      s: See below for more info.             |
|     |       |                      i: 0 = No interlace.                    |
|     |       |                         1 = Interlaced display.              |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |*** When in interlace mode, select either the 1-dot per line  |
|     |       |    mode or the 1-dot repeated every 2-lines mode. If '1' is  |
|     |       |    set in this bit, the OBJ seems to be reduced vertically   |
|     |       |    by 1/2.                                                   |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |*** Interlaced mode is used in the SNES test cartridge. It    |
|     |       |    does flicker, but it gives a FULL 480 vertical resolution.|
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
|r    |$2134  |Multiplication result register (low) [MPYL]                   |
|r    |$2135  |Multiplication result register (middle) [MPYM]                |
|r    |$2136  |Multiplication result register (high) [MPYH]                  |
|     |       |*** Result is 8 bits long for $2134, $2135, and $2136.        |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
|r    |$2137  |Software latch for horizontal/vertical counter [SLHV]         |
|     |       |aaaaaaaa                 a: Result.                           |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |The counter value at the point when $2137 is read can be      |
|     |       |latched. Data read is meaningless.                            |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
|r    |$2138  |Read data from OAM {OAMDATAREAD}                              |
|r  2 |$2139  |Read data from VRAM {VMDATALREAD/VMDATAHREAD}                 |
|r    |$213B  |Read data from CG-RAM (colour) {CGDATAREAD}                   |
|r d  |$213C  |Horizontal scanline location [OPHCT]                          |
|r d  |$213D  |Vertical scanline location  [OPVCT]                           |
|     |       |*** Registers $213C and $213D are 9-bits in length.           |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
|r    |$213E  |PPU status flag & version number [STAT77]                     |
|     |       |trm0vvvv              t: Time over (see below).               |
|     |       |                      r: Range over (see below).              |
|     |       |                      m: Master/slave mode select. Usually 0. |
|     |       |                      v: Version # ($5C77 (???)).             |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |*** Range: When the quantity of the OBJ (size is non-relevant)|
|     |       |           becomes 33 pieces or more, '1' is set.             |
|     |       |     Time: When the quantity of the OBJ which is converted to |
|     |       |           8x8 is 35 pieces or more, '1' will be set.         |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
|r    |$213F  |PPU status flag & version number [STAT78]                     |
|     |       |fl0mvvvv              f: Field # scanned in int. mode (0=1st).|
|     |       |                      l: Set if external signal (light pen,   |
|     |       |                         etc.) is installed/applied.          |
|     |       |                      m: NTSC/PAL mode (0=NTSC, 1=PAL).       |
|     |       |                      v: Version # ($5C78 (???)).             |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
|rw   |$2140  |[APUI00] -|                                                   |
|rw   |$2141  |[APUI01]  |- Audio registers. See sound.doc and sid-spc.src.  |
|rw   |$2142  |[APUI02]  |                                                   |
|rw   |$2143  |[APUI03] -|                                                   |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
|rw   |$2180  |Read/write WRAM register [WMDATA]                             |
|rw   |$2181  |WRAM data register (low byte) [WMADDL]                        |
|rw   |$2182  |WRAM data register (middle byte) [WMADDM]                     |
|rw   |$2183  |WRAM data register (high byte) [WMADDH]                       |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$4200  |Counter enable [NMITIMEN]                                     |
|     |       |a0yx000b              a: NMI/VBlank interrupt.                |
|     |       |                      y: Vertical counter.                    |
|     |       |                      x: Horizontal counter.                  |
|     |       |                      b: Joypad read-enable.                  |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$4201  |Programmable I/O port (out-port) [WRIO]                       |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$4202  |Multiplicand 'A' [WRMPYA]                                     |
| w   |$4203  |Multiplier 'B' [WRMPYB]                                       |
|     |       |*** Absolute multiplication used when using the two above reg-|
|     |       |    isters. Formulae is: 'A (8-bit) * B (8-bit) = C (16-bit)'.|
|     |       |    Result can be read from $4216.                            |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w 2 |$4204  |Dividend C [WRDIVL/WRDIVH]                                    |
| w   |$4205  |Divisor B [WRDIVB]                                            |
|     |       |*** Absolute division used when using the two above registers.|
|     |       |    Formulae is 'C (16-bit) / B (8-bit) = A (16-bit)'.        |
|     |       |    Result can be read from $4214, and the remainder read from|
|     |       |    $4216.                                                    |
|     |       |*** Operation will start when $4205 is set, and will be com-  |
|     |       |    pleted after 16 machine cycles.                           |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w 2 |$4207  |Video horizontal IRQ beam position/pointer [HTIMEL/HTIMEH]    |
|     |       |0000000x xxxxxxxx     x: Beam position.                       |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |Valid values for x range from 0 to 339, due to overscan. The  |
|     |       |timer is reset every scanline, so unless it's disabled, you'll|
|     |       |receive an interrupt every time the beam hits the value given.|
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w 2 |$4209  |Video vertical IRQ beam position/pointer [VTIMEL/VTIMEH]      |
|     |       |0000000y yyyyyyyy     y: Beam position.                       |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |Same as $4207, but valid values for y are 0 to 261 (based from|
|     |       |overscan at the top of the screen).                           |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$420B  |DMA enable register [MDMAEN]                                  |
|     |       |abcdefgh              a: DMA channel #7.                      |
|     |       |                      b: DMA channel #6.                      |
|     |       |                      c: DMA channel #5.                      |
|     |       |                      d: DMA channel #4.                      |
|     |       |                      e: DMA channel #3.                      |
|     |       |                      f: DMA channel #2.                      |
|     |       |                      g: DMA channel #1.                      |
|     |       |                      h: DMA channel #0.                      |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$420C  |HDMA enable register.                                         |
|     |       |*** Same as $420B, virtually.                                 |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$420D  |Cycle speed register [MEMSEL]                                 |
|     |       |0000000x              x: 0 = Normal (2.68MHz).                |
|     |       |                         1 = Fast (3.58MHz).                  |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |Note that using the fast mode requires 120ns or faster EPROMs.|
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
|r    |$4210  |NMI register [RDNMI]                                          |
|     |       |x000vvvv              x: Disable/enable NMI.                  |
|     |       |                      v: Version # ($5A22 (???))              |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |Bit 7 can be reset to 0 by reading this register.             |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
|rw   |$4211  |Video IRQ register [TIMEUP]                                   |
|     |       |i0000000              i: 0 = IRQ is not enabled.              |
|     |       |                         1 = IRQ is enabled.                  |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |This location MUST be read to clear a horizontal or vertical  |
|     |       |raster interrupt. It's all relative to $4200. If the horiz-   |
|     |       |ontal timer interrupt (bit 4, $4200) is set then the interrupt|
|     |       |will be generated according to the position in $4207. Same    |
|     |       |thing is for vertical timing (bit 5, $4200) but the position  |
|     |       |will be read from $4209, not $4207.                           |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
|rw   |$4212  |Status register [HVBJOY]                                      |
|     |       |xy00000a              x: 0 = Not in VBlank state.             |
|     |       |                         1 = In VBlank state.                 |
|     |       |                      y: 0 = Not in HBlank state.             |
|     |       |                         1 = In HBlank state.                 |
|     |       |                      a: 0 = Joypad not ready.                |
|     |       |                         1 = Joypad ready.                    |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
|r    |$4213  |Programmable I/O port (in-port) [RDIO]                        |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
|r  2 |$4214  |Quotient of divide result [RDDIVL/RDDIVH]                     |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
|r  2 |$4216  |Multiplication or divide result [RDMPYL/RDMPYH]               |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
|r    |$4218  |Joypad #1 status register [JOY1L]                             |
|     |       |abcd0000              a: A button (1=pressed).                |
|     |       |                      b: X button (1=pressed).                |
|     |       |                      c: Top-Left (1=pressed).                |
|     |       |                      d: Top-Rght (1=pressed).                |
|     |       |                                                              |
|r    |$4219  |Joypad #1 status register [JOY1H]                             |
|     |       |abcdefgh              a: B button (1=pressed).                |
|     |       |                      b: Y button (1=pressed).                |
|     |       |                      c: Select   (1=pressed).                |
|     |       |                      d: Start    (1=pressed).                |
|     |       |                      e: Up       (1=pressed).                |
|     |       |                      f: Down     (1=pressed).                |
|     |       |                      g: Left     (1=pressed).                |
|     |       |                      h: Right    (1=pressed).                |
|     |       |                                                              |
|r    |$421A  |Joypad #2 status register [JOY2L] -|                          |
|r    |$421B  |Joypad #2 status register [JOY2H]  |                          |
|r    |$421C  |Joypad #3 status register [JOY3L]  |- Same as $4218 & $4219.  |
|r    |$421D  |Joypad #3 status register [JOY3H]  |                          |
|r    |$421E  |Joypad #4 status register [JOY4L]  |                          |
|r    |$421F  |Joypad #4 status register [JOY4H] -|                          |
|     |       |*** Joypad registers can be read w/ a 16-bit accum/X/Y and    |
|     |       |    both the high and low bytes will received valid data.     |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
|The following data is for DMA-transfers. 'x' represents the DMA channel #,  |
|which ranges from 0 to 7. So, the following would represent each section:   |
|DMA #0: $4300-$4305.                                                        |
|DMA #1: $4310-$4315.                                                        |
|....................                                                        |
|DMA #7: $4370-$4375.                                                        |
| w   |$43x0  |DMA Control register [DMAPX]                                  |
|     |       |vh0cbaaa              v: 0 = CPU memory -> PPU.               |
|     |       |                         1 = PPU -> CPU memory.               |
|     |       |                      h: For HDMA only:                       |
|     |       |                         0 = Absolute addressing.             |
|     |       |                         1 = Indirect addressing.             |
|     |       |                      c: 0 = Auto address inc/decrement.      |
|     |       |                         1 = Fixed address (for VRAM, etc.).  |
|     |       |                      b: 0 = Automatic increment.             |
|     |       |                         1 = Automatic decrement.             |
|     |       |                      a: Transfer type:
|     |       |                         000 = 1 address write twice: LH.     |
|     |       |                         001 = 2 addresses: LH.               |
|     |       |                         010 = 1 address write once.          |
|     |       |                         011 = 2 addresses write twice: LLHH  |
|     |       |                         100 = 4 addresses: LHLH              |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$43x1  |DMA Destination register [BBADX]                              |
|     |       |xxxxxxxx              x: Low-byte address.                    |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |*** The upper-byte address is assumed to be $21, making your  |
|     |       |    access addresses $2100 to $21FF.                          |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w 2 |$43x2  |Source address [A1TXL/A1TXH]                                  |
| w   |$43x4  |Source bank address [A1BX]                                    |
| w 2 |$43x5  |DMA transfer size & HDMA address register [DASXL/DASXH]       |
|     |       |*** When using DMA, $43x5 defines the # of bytes to be trans- |
|     |       |    ferred via DMA itself. When using HDMA, $43x5 defines the |
|     |       |    data address ($43x5 = low byte, $43x6 = hi byte).         |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
| w   |$43xA  |Number of lines for HDMA transfer [NTRLX]                     |
|     |       |cxxxxxxx              c: Continue (0=yes, 1=no (???)).        |
|     |       |                      x: # of lines to transfer.              |
|Additional information follows.                                             |
|Most of the following information is for SMC files, and where the header    |
|info is kept in memory, etc. etc. etc...                                    |
|rw   |$FEED  |UNDOCUMENTED REGISTER: Felon's banana register [FBNANACNT]    |
|     |       |rcnnnnnn              r: Ripe bit (0=ripe, 1=rotten).         |
|     |       |                      c: Colour bit (0=yellow, 1=green).      |
|     |       |                      n: Number of bananas.                   |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |*** This register counts the number of bananas Felon currently|
|     |       |    has in his possession... (Who the hell is Felon?!).       |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |*** According to numerous sources, this register can be used  |
|     |       |    to calculate pi to the 5-billionth digit in 20 clock      |
|     |       |    cycles. The number of cycles corresponds to Felon's age,  |
|     |       |    increasing by 1 every 365 days (1 year). It is increased  |
|     |       |    by 2 every leap year.                                     |
|     |       |                                                              |
|     |       |                                                              |
|rw   |$FFC0  |Cartridge title.                                              |
|rw   |$FFD6  |ROM/RAM information on cart.                                  |
|rw   |$FFD7  |ROM size.                                                     |
|rw   |$FFD8  |RAM size.                                                     |
|rw   |$FFD9  |Developer ID code.                                            |
|rw   |$FFDB  |Version number.                                               |
|rw   |$FFDC  |Checksum complement.                                          |
|rw   |$FFDE  |Checksum.                                                     |
|rw   |$FFEA  |NMI vector/VBL interrupt.                                     |
|rw   |$FFEC  |Reset vector.                                                 |
|The SNES has some interesting colour characteristics. The colour, theoret-  |
|ically is 15 bit; each RGB value (Red, Green, and Blue) has 5 bits for each |
|colour.                                                                     |
|                                                                            |
|When it comes to putting the colour data into $2122, the format (in binary) |
|is the following:                                                           |
|  b: Blue                   ?bbbbbgg gggrrrrr                               |
|  g: Green                                                                  |
|  r: Red                                                                    |
|  ?: The infamous bit-of-confusion. :-)                                     |
|                                                                            |
|A quick colour chart could be the following:                                |
|  $7FFF [0111 1111 1111 1111]: White.                                       |
|  $001F [0000 0000 0001 1111]: Red.                                         |
|  $03E0 [0000 0011 1110 0000]: Green.                                       |
|  $7C00 [0111 1100 0000 0000]: Blue.                                        |
|  $7C1F [0111 1100 0001 1111]: Purple.                                      |
|  $7FE0 [0111 1111 1110 0000]: Aqua.                                        |
|  $03FF [0000 0011 1111 1111]: Yellow.                                      |
|For those of you who don't know how the SNES does do it's graphics, it      |
|uses tiles (surprise surprise!).                                            |
|                                                                            | 
|There are different MODEs on the SNES; the most famous being MODE 7.        |
|Most people think that $2106 (Screen Pixelation: Look in SNES.1 for an ex-  |
|planation on this register) is MODE 7. *** THIS IS NOT MODE 7!!! ***.       |
|So, the next time the pixels get really "big" (almost making them look like |
|look like IBM-clone 320x200x256 MODE 13h graphics), and your friend says    |
|"WOW! MODE 7 is really awesome," punch him/her in the nose for me. Just     |
|joking. :-)                                                                 |
|                                                                            |
|I'll be explaining MODE 1. I know how MODE 7 works, but since i've never    |
|used it, don't plan on me explaining it in the near future. Sorry to those  |
|who were looking for a MODE 7 document. Look elsewhere...                   |
|                                                                            |
|MODE   # of BGs       MaxColour/Tile  Palettes      Colours                 |
|0      4              4               8             32                      |
|1      3              16/16/4         8             128                     |
|                                                                            |
|MODE 0 is good for geometric shapes (if you were going to rotate a wire-    |
|frame cube, or something like that), basic star scrolls, or a very 'bland'  |
|text scroller... it's pretty cool and doesn't take up much space.           |
|                                                                            |
|I'm going to explain MODE 1, since MODE 0 is the same thing but with less   |
|bitplanes. :-)                                                              |
|                                                                            |
|MODE 1 is really best for things; detailed star scrolls, text scrollers,    |
|geometric shapes, and filled objects. It's the most common used MODE in the |
|the professional SNES programming world.                                    |
|                                                                            |
|You need to "setup the plane" to tell it what tile goes where. If you want  |
|demo-code, check out 'test.asm' in 'test.lzh'.                              |
|So, lets assume we have a character (a 8x8 tile) which we want to work with |
|to figure out the SNES's colour scheme:                                     |
|                                                                            |
|TestCHR1       dcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; '@'                    |
|TestCHR2       dcb $00,$3C,$4E,$5E,$5E,$40,$3C,$00 ; '@'                    |
|                                                                            |
|You're probably wondering how the two lines above turn into actual graphic  |
|data on your monitor or television set. Very simple. Consider each byte     |
|(each new $xx statement) a new pixel line. Tile size is 8x8.                |
|                                                                            |
|      %00000000          = $00                                              |
|      %00000000          = $00    This is TestCHR1                          |
|      %00000000          = $00                                              |
|      %00000000          = $00                                              |
|      %00000000          = $00                                              |
|      %00000000          = $00                                              |
|      %00000000          = $00                                              |
|      %00000000          = $00                                              |
|                                                                            |
|      %00000000          = $00                                              |
|      %00111100          = $3C    This is TestCHR2                          |
|      %01001110          = $4E                                              |
|      %01011110          = $5E                                              |
|      %01011110          = $5E                                              |
|      %01000000          = $40                                              |
|      %00111100          = $3C                                              |
|      %00000000          = $00                                              |
|                                                                            |
|The at-symbol ('@') is visible in TestCHR2. Now you're probably wondering   |
|"Well, that tells me how to define a pixel on and off; what about the colour|
|itself!" Once again, very simple, but a tad more complex:                   |
|                                                                            |
|If you have a 0 for bitplane 0, a 0 for bitplane 1, a 0 for bitplane 2,     |
|and a 0 for bitplane 3, you get color #0; eg.:                              |
|                       0000 = Color #0                                      |
|                       ||||___________Bitplane 0                            |
|                       |||__________Bitplane 1                              |
|                       ||_________Bitplane 2                                |
|                       |________Bitplane 3                                  |
|                                                                            |
|So, now, think about a 0 for bitplane 0, a 1 for bitplane 1 and 2, and a 0  |
|for bitplane 3:                                                             |
|                       0110 = Color #6                                      |
|                       ||||___________Bitplane 0                            |
|                       |||__________Bitplane 1                              |
|                       |_________Bitplane 2                                 |
|                       |________Bitplane 3                                  |
|                                                                            |
|Keep in mind, this is the best explanation i've ever seen done about SNES   |
|pixel color definition. Until I see better, I'd have to say this is the     |
|best it's gonna get.                                                        |
|The result above gives you the color # per pixel; it's interesting. It's an |
|"overlay" method, so-to-speak, not to confuse this w/ main and sub-screens. |
|MODE   # of BGs       MaxColour/Tile  Palettes      Colours                 |
|0      4              4               8             32                      |
|1      3              16/16/4         8             128                     |
|2      ?              ???             ?             ???                     |
|3      2              256 & 16        1 & 8         256 & 32                |
|4      2              256 & 4         1 & 8         256 & 32                |
|5      ?              ???             ?             ???                     |
|6      ?              16              8             128 (Interlaced mode)   |
|7      ?              256             1             256                     |
|Parms which have question marks ("?") mean that I don't know their stats.   |
|Any information would be greatly appreciated! I have personally tested some |
|of the MODEs (MODE 0, 1, and 3), but none of the rest.                      |
|MODE 1's "16/16/4" means you can have 16 colours per tile on BG1 and BG2,   |
|but on BG3 you can only have 4.                                             |
|MODE 3 can have 256 colours on the first plane, but only 16 on the second.  |
|MODE 4 isn't the exact same as MODE 3 (as v2.20 of my document stated), but |
|i'm waiting for someone to tell me the differences...                       |
|The OBJs use a lookup table that contains info on their X and Y position on |
|the screen, their size, if they're flipped vertically or horizontally, their|
|colour, and the actual data.                                                |
|                                                                            |
|The format you need to make the table is as follows:                        |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
|Spr. #   Size   Offset        Explanation                                   |
|   0     Byte   0             xxxxxxxx           x: X-location.             |
|         Byte   1             yyyyyyyy           y: Y-location.             |
|         Byte   2             abcdeeeC           a: Vertical flip.          |
|                                                 b: Horizontal flip.        |
|                                                 c: Playfield priority.     |
|                                                 d: Playfield priority.     |
|                                                 e: Pallete #.              |
|         Byte   3             CCCCCCCC           C: Character data.         |
|                                                                            |
|   1     Byte   4             xxxxxxxx           x: X-location.             |
|         Byte   5             yyyyyyyy           y: Y-location.             |
|         Byte   6             abcdeeeC           a: Vertical flip.          |
|                                                 b: Horizontal flip.        |
|                                                 c: Playfield priority.     |
|                                                 d: Playfield priority.     |
|                                                 e: Pallete #.              |
|         Byte   7             CCCCCCCC           C: Character data.         |
|...and so on...                                                             |
|Continue this table all the way down to OBJ #127 (out of 128). Don't think  |
|you're finished quite yet: There is one more table of data required.        |
|                                                                            |
|2 bits are defined for each OBJ (eg. byte #0 holds the info for OBJ 0, 1, 2,|
|and 3; byte #1 holds the info for OBJ 4, 5, 6, and 7). Therefore, 128/4 is  |
|32 bytes of data for the following table:                                   |
|                                  ab                                        |
|                                  ||____Size toggle bit.                    |
|                                  |_____MSB of X-position bit.              |
|                                                                            |
|So, the 4 bytes/sprites + the block are put into the OAM table by consec-   |
|utive writes to the OAM data register. You first should set the OAM address |
|to $0000, then shove your data into it.                                     |
|                                                                            |
|If you don't set the block after the OAM as well, the results are bad. All  |
|the data for the MSB stuff wouldn't be defined correctly, which would result|
|in your entire OBJ table being wacko. Have atleast some 0's there or a table|
|which you really want to use in the long run.                               |
|I have never used an actual Super MagiComm before, and I would strongly re- |
|commend not using these unless you know what each one does for sure. If you |
|decide to write any sort-of operating system for the SNES, please do get in |
|touch with me.                                                              |
|                                                                            |
|The below registers i've never tested, or had tested. If you end up killing |
|your console unit because of this, I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY.                |
|                                                                            |
|Location    Value returned when read         Value input when written       |
|$C000:      Input Register                                                  |
|$C002:                                       Digital Output Register        |
|$C004:      Main Status Register                                            |
|$C005:      Data Register                    Data Register                  |
|$C007:      Digital Input Register           Disk Control Register          |
|$C008:      Parallel Data                    Parallel Data                  |
|$C009:      Parallel Status                                                 |
|Here's a really basic memory map of the SNES's memory. Thanks to Geggin of  |
|Censor for supplying this. Reminder: this is a memory map in MODE 20.       |
|Bank   |Address       |Description                                          |
|$00-$3F|$0000-$1FFF   |Scratchpad RAM. Set D-reg here if you'd like (I do)  |
|       |$2000-$5FFF   |Reserved (PPU, DMA)                                  |
|       |$6000-$7FFF   |Expand (???)                                         |
|       |$8000-$FFFF   |ROM (for code, graphics, etc.)                       |
|$70    |$0000-$7FFF   |SRAM (BRAM) - Battery RAM                            |
|$7E    |$0000-$1FFF   |Scratchpad RAM (same as bank $00 to $3F)             |
|       |$2000-$FFFF   |RAM (for music, or whatever)                         |
|$7F    |$0000-$FFFF   |RAM (for whatever)                                   |
I'd like to thank the following people:

        Jeremy Gordon: Thanks for supplying me your sprite documentation. I
                       don't think this doc. would be complete without it!
                       Also for 65816 v2.0! Excellent assembler.
            AntiTrack: Thanks for the source! Next time, i'll ask! (grin)
                Toshi: I know you can't say much due to your job, but I
                       really appreciate all the moral support you've given
                       me. I wish I could show you how much it means to me.
                minus: Work on TRASM some more! Fix' dem bugs! :-)
                 Jehu: Keep in touch. Get back to me about the job!
              Clay C.: Without you, who knows where i'd be.
                Troy_: I appreciate the logos!
     Geggin of Censor: Thanks for the memory map!
    D. Messiah of PiR: ...for all the EMail, long talks, 'n all that jazz.
                       You're like a brother to me.

Hellos and "HEY! You're important too!"s go out to:

        III_Demon, JackRippr, Amos, Norm, Hardware, Skywalkr, KingPhish,
        felon, AntiTrack, IRSMan, sendog, SHORYUKEN, _grazzt, RuGalz, and
        all the rest of the #SNES and famidev-gang.